
Bus Moldova: Cheap coach tickets

All bus routes Bus to Moldova with FlixBus, Natioanl Express, EasyBus and others

Popular long-distance buses and bus routes from United Kingdom to Moldova

Bus LondonTudora, Moldova
Bus LondonChişinău
*Prices include tax, may change at any time

Popular long-distance buses and bus routes in Moldova

Bus ChişinăuOtaci
from 11.29 €
from 05h 16min
with GAL Spedition
Bus BălţiEdineț
Bus BălţiOtaci
Bus ChişinăuGiurgiulești
from 9.00 €
from 04h 20min
with BlaBlaCar, Romtrans-expres SRL
Bus BălţiŞoldăneşti
*Prices include tax, may change at any time

The long-distance bus from United Kingdom to Moldova: Possible bus connections

The long-distance bus in Moldova: possible bus connections

The long-distance bus in Moldova: Interesting cities

Why is it worth to compare long distance buses

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